Soft Tissue Dental Laser Therapy
Periodontal laser therapy is an important advancement in maintaining oral health. This therapy can reduce pain, help wounds heal quickly, relieve muscular tension, and help to regrow nerves. It can be used to treat a variety of different issues, but mainly primarily the treatment of periodontal health.
Periodontal health is better known as gum disease. Gum disease occurs when a buildup of bacteria leads to the swelling and eventually the death of gum tissue in the mouth. This is incredibly dangerous because gum disease can lead to other holistic issues throughout the body. Laser therapy helps to remove the plaque and other damaging substances that hurt your gums in the long run. Laser therapy is not as uncomfortable as alternative procedures and has minimal healing time.
Schedule a Soft Tissue Dental Laser Consult
Along with gum disease, soft tissue laser treatment can be used to help treat aphthous ulcers, herpes, and sensitive teeth and can also reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth. If you are experiencing any of these issues or suffer from gum disease, call our office today. Together we can evaluate if laser treatment is right for you.